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Thousands of Americans at Risk After Supreme Court Ruling

Former CBS News Anchor Dan Rather Speaks Out

Network Announces New Interview, Featuring Poetry Reading

In a groundbreaking move, the Supreme Court recently overturned a landmark ruling that had protected the right to abortion for nearly 50 years. The decision, which was based on a conservative majority on the court, has been met with widespread condemnation from pro-choice advocates and legal experts. Many fear that the ruling will have devastating consequences for women's rights and reproductive health.

One of the most vocal critics of the decision is former CBS News anchor Dan Rather. In a recent statement, Cowan announced an upcoming interview with the 92-year-old news legend. The statement praised Rather as a "Texan by birth and by choice," who has "read some poetry to his considerable following: 14 million on Twitter and 27 million on Facebook."

While the statement did not provide specific details about the interview or the topics that would be discussed, it is clear that Rather will not shy away from voicing his concerns about the Supreme Court's ruling. As one of the most respected journalists of his generation, Rather's insights and opinions will carry significant weight in the ongoing debate over abortion rights.

The interview with Dan Rather is expected to air in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for more details.
